Sparkle Schoolhouse
Sparkle Weekly Wonderings: Speaking Out

Sparkle Weekly Wonderings: Speaking Out

I was born in 1968 - almost 50 years ago - and most historians agree that it was a profound year of social and political change. It was a great year of tragedy, with the Vietnam War, the assassination of Martin Luther King and John Kennedy - but it was also a year when large numbers of people stepped forward and spoke out.

It seems to be that 2018 is going to be a year of similar social and political change.

We in Sparkle Land have grieved the tragic school shootings and the bombings, but we have also been fundamentally impressed and inspired by the #metoo movement and the wave of people choosing to run for office, and dazzled by the high school students of Parkland.

These young men and women want change - and they are willing to do the hard work of researching what is needed, they are brave enough to speak out, and they have the grit to keep going until they are heard, met and answered.

My generation is watching them not only to see the future - but to learn what needs to happen RIGHT NOW.

So in honor of the Parkland generation, we dedicate this week’s theme to Speaking Out - and the hard work, courage and grit they are inspiring in us.

About the Author

David Sewell McCann

Story Spinner

David Sewell McCann fell in love with spinning stories in first grade – the day a storyteller came to his class and captured his mind and imagination. He has been engaged in storytelling all of his adult life through painting, film-making, teaching and performing. Out of his experience as a Waldorf elementary class teacher and parent, he has developed a four step method of intuitive storytelling, which he now shares through workshops and through this website.

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