Sparkle Schoolhouse
Sparkle Weekly Wonderings: The Gifts of Aging

Sparkle Weekly Wonderings: The Gifts of Aging

One of my last memories of my maternal grandmother was rubbing her feet as she lay in her bed, resting in between stories about life during World War II when my grandfather served as a medic. One of my fondest memories of my paternal grandfather is the second or third toast he offered at our wedding rehearsal dinner. I used to love visiting my friend Caroline who, at 94 years old, lived by herself above one of my favorite coffee shops. Our time together was short but the stories — oh, the stories!

All three are now gone, passed away years ago, but I continue to hold them close to me. I feel them with me whenever I imagine them and remember the stories.

Our elders are a precious gift and resource. They know things. They love us. They have lived long lives and if we wish, they will tell us some of the most interesting stories we will ever hear.

But age does have a cost. Our grands don’t move around like they used to. Some get forgetful. Some get sick. This can be difficult for children to reconcile or even accept. They want to play like they did last visit. They want their beloved grandparent to remember everything they did. They don’t want them to be uncomfortable or sick.

This is why we created our latest collection, “For the Love of Elders” — to give context to the natural process of aging. To show our youngest the gifts as well as the changes that come with aging.

About the Author

David Sewell McCann

Story Spinner

David Sewell McCann fell in love with spinning stories in first grade – the day a storyteller came to his class and captured his mind and imagination. He has been engaged in storytelling all of his adult life through painting, film-making, teaching and performing. Out of his experience as a Waldorf elementary class teacher and parent, he has developed a four step method of intuitive storytelling, which he now shares through workshops and through this website.

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