Welcome to Sparkle Stories
Let's Get Some SleepSparkle Sleepytime
Whether it is during the long, active days of summer or the shorter, busy days of winter, sometimes our little ones need some help to slow down. The stories in Sparkle Sleepytime are simple, soft and slow, all told with the aim of welcoming young and old into a time of rest or sleep. Each features a delightful young animal on a gentle adventure, and each ends with the animals snuggling into their burrows, nests or downy beds, ready to close their eyes and fall asleep. This Series is perfect for nap-times, quiet times and bedtimes – or any time you want a particularly quiet and soothing story for your little ones!
Listen Now!Your Monthly Guide to Sparkle AdventuresMonthly Picks for Stories and Activities
This Week's Free Story The Cabin
It's Bedtime Everyone!Our Sleepiest Stories
Rest Time GoodnessProjects for Winding Down
Sparkle Kitchen: Lavender and Sweet Orange Sleepy Spray
For anyone even remotely aware of herbal remedies, using lavender as a sleep aid is a no-brainer, but the addition of sweet orange oil makes this blend particularly lovely for children. Here's how to make it so your little one can catch more zzzzzzs.
Sparkle Craft: Sock Bunny
This week's craft is a good example of making do and mending. It uses something you might throw away — an old pair of socks — and makes it into a new toy for a child.
Sparkle Kitchen: Starry Night Chamomile Shortbreads
Cut into star shapes, these chamomile shortbread cookies would be perfect for your next star watching party. Chamomile's relaxing properties always make me think of it as a nighttime herb, and the cheery, yellow flowers are summery, too.
Read Aloud Bedtime Stories for Kids: 3 Printable Scripts
We’ve gathered three of our all-time favorite Sleepytime stories and transcribed them for your reading pleasure. You’ll find the free downloadable story scripts for each below, so that you can bring some Sparkle to your read-aloud moments!
Lavender and Coconut Bath Bomb Wands Tutorial
We’ve partnered with our friend Josie Hamor of On Willow’s Bend to bring you a special tutorial for making your own lavender and coconut bath bomb wands. Take some time to soothe and ease now that the busy-ness of the holidays is winding down!
Our Newest Collection!Sparkle Sleepytime - en español
Ya sea durante los largos y activos días del verano o los más cortos y ajetreados días del invierno, a veces nuestros pequeños necesitan ayuda para bajar el ritmo. Las historias de Sparkle Sleepytime son sencillas, suaves y lentas, contadas con el objetivo de dar la bienvenida a los pequeños y mayores a un momento de descanso o de sueño. Cada cuento presenta a un adorable animalito en una dulce aventura, y todos terminan con los animales acurrucándose en sus madrigueras, nidos o camas de plumas, listos para cerrar los ojos y quedarse dormidos. Esta serie es perfecta para la hora de la siesta, los ratos de tranquilidad y la hora de dormir, o para cualquier momento en el que desees una historia particularmente tranquila y relajante para tus pequeños.
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