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A Season of Lanterns & Lights At Home with Martin & Sylvia
The playhouse is a spaceship. The garden is a jungle. And the brook is a home to fairies and other magical creatures. Join Martin and Sylvia -- two delightful and all-too-familiar children -- as they explore the infinite possibilities of their sweet home in the woods. These stories follow the rhythms of family life through the four seasons, delighting in the creative endeavors and sweet adventures of the much-loved brother and sister.
Listen Now!Your Monthly Guide to Sparkle AdventuresMonthly Picks for Stories and Activities
A Little Bit of Light This Week's Free Story!
Martinmas MagicStories to Light Up November
Paper Lanterns with Waldorfish Crafting the Holidays!
Martinmas Crafts Recipes & IdeasMartinmas Crafts Recipes & Ideas
Ideas for Martinmas Celebrations
Explore the enchanting world of Martinmas, where November nights come alive with magic and purpose. Discover the rich history, meaning, and heartwarming traditions of this festival, including lantern walks, inspiring stories, and delightful crafts for celebrating the season of light and compassion.
Sparkle Craft: Star Jars
These star jars will provoke quiet “oohs” and “ahhs” whenever you switch them on. The initial cutting with a box knife is best done by an adult, but by using a thin, disposable cookie sheet to make the heart of the lantern, a supervised pre-schooler can quickly make a whole galaxy of stars to admire.
Sparkle Craft: DIY Japanese Silk Paper Lanterns Post Template
For this fun, hands-on craft, we are joined by Jenn of Maplerose, a Waldorf-inspired Homeschool Supply shop (check it out below!). Follow along as Jenn walks us through the steps for making your own DIY Japanese Silk Paper Lanterns.
Sparkle Kitchen: Homemade Pretzels
If you would like to try your hand at homemade pretzels for a Martinmas lantern walk, give this recipe below a try.
Candle Making for Kids with Jamie Martin
We’ve teamed up with Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool to provide a simple and easy-to-follow Candle Making Tutorial for Kids so that you can recreate this experience with your own little ones.
Sparkle Craft: Milk Jug Lanterns
Whether you already have a lantern walk tradition or would like to start one, a classic, tissue-paper-covered lantern is a project young and old will enjoy making and using.
Featured TopicsOur Best Topics for November!
Our Newest Collection!Sparkle Sleepytime - en español
Ya sea durante los largos y activos días del verano o los más cortos y ajetreados días del invierno, a veces nuestros pequeños necesitan ayuda para bajar el ritmo. Las historias de Sparkle Sleepytime son sencillas, suaves y lentas, contadas con el objetivo de dar la bienvenida a los pequeños y mayores a un momento de descanso o de sueño. Cada cuento presenta a un adorable animalito en una dulce aventura, y todos terminan con los animales acurrucándose en sus madrigueras, nidos o camas de plumas, listos para cerrar los ojos y quedarse dormidos. Esta serie es perfecta para la hora de la siesta, los ratos de tranquilidad y la hora de dormir, o para cualquier momento en el que desees una historia particularmente tranquila y relajante para tus pequeños.
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