Martin & Sylvia's Goose-Eye Summer Camp

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Martin & Sylvia's Goose Eye Summer Camp
Martin & Sylvia's Goose-Eye Summer Camp

Martin spends his week at Goose-Eye Camp, where sees familiar faces from Goose-Eye Nature School and meets new friends. Sylvia stays home and has her own camp experience with Daddy!

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Your Monthly Guide to Sparkle Adventures
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The July 2024 Story Calendar

Who's ready for an adventure? There's nothing like the spaciousness of summer to inspire little ones to explore. Our July 2024 Story Calendar will inspire you to plan joyful adventures and create lasting memories for your whole family!

Stories about All Kinds of Summer Camps
Let's Go to Camp!

Camp Over The Hills And Far Away

Camp Over The Hills And Far Away

So Many Summertime Projects
Make Your Own Camp!

Sparkle Craft: Beach Mandala

All you need is what you find for this nature mandala — no special tools for this centering creative activity.

Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Let's Do Everything Map

Kids can use this printable to plan a fun playdate that combines all their favorite ideas to make a "Let's Do Everything!" map.

Nature School Project: Rock Stacking

This project accompanies the second story in the Martin & Sylvia: Nature School Audio Book – “The Deer Mice”.

Nature School Project: Squirrels Uprising

Today we are joined by Jeannine Tidwell of Twin Eagles Wilderness School. Jeannine explains how to play the game “Squirrels Uprising."

Sparkle Craft: Special Fabric Sun Hats

Make your own special sun hat, just like Martin and Sylvia in the story "Silly Sunhats."

Nature School Project: Hidden Earth Art

What is Hidden Earth Art? It's creating something in the natural world that's your own creation, but so subtle someone else might not notice it.

Nature School Project: Nature Journals

We are joined today by Mike DiMauro who is a wilderness teacher for Earth Native Wilderness School. He has created a great tutorial for Sparkle showing how to keep your own nature journal just like Martin.

Nature School Project: Identifying Bird Calls

We are joined by Monique of Green Acorns who teaches us how to idenitfy and map bird calls.

Nature School Project: Homemade Bug Repellant

Homemade bug repellant is easy and safe to make. Once you have your ingredients gathered, it takes under two minutes to make.

Featured Topics
Our Best Stories for July!

Outdoor Adventures
Outdoor Adventures
Martin & Sylvia: Nine and Seven

Our Newest Collection!
Martin & Sylvia: Nine and Seven

It's Martin's ninth birthday — the brother and sister are growing up! What is it like to be nine? And what can "sevens" do? Martin finds himself interested in complex magnetism experiments while Sylvia embraces the challenges of leadership. Through science clubs, wilderness adventures, neighborly parties, and family time, Martin and Sylvia lean into their new ages. Together, they learn more about themselves, what they're capable of, and what makes life even more joyful.

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Listener Favorites
Listener Favorites

Martin & Sylvia's Summer Adventures

Martin & Sylvia's Summer Adventures

Libby & Dish

Libby & Dish

How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One)

How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One)

Martin & Sylvia: More Adventures!

Martin & Sylvia: More Adventures!

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