EXPLORE this Week: Your Neighborhood, Town and Local Parks
It's week two of our EXPLORE theme! Did you know your own neighborhood and town (or city) offers a wealth of exploration opportunities?
We want to share with you our very best sugggestions and tips!
Ideas for exploring your neighborhood and town:
Introduce yourself to a neighbor you've never met. Ask them about themselves.
Find out why your city or town is named what it is. Learn a little history, and visit one of it's historic sites.
Choose a park you've never visited. Agree to explore the entire park. Sit and watch the activity there – how are folks enjoying this park? What animals frequent it?
Go to your town center and pick a corner. Read all of the shop signs together. What shops have you never visited? Pick one, and go in to see what's there.
Is there an area of town that you have yet to explore? Travel there, and take a walk around a block or two. Study the homes or businesses there. How is it different from your part of town? How is it the same?
Read the local events listings to see what's going on this weekend. Pick a festival or event that's different from what you normally choose, and stop by. What do you find you enjoy there?
Go to a restaurant you've never been to. And if you can, get there in a way you don't normally travel, e.g., walk, bike or take the bus.
Playlist: Stories for Exploring Local Parks
We have stories to go with this week's adventures too! These stories will motivate children to want to pack up and get out into nearby parks.
Explore with us! We'd love to hear from you what you're finding.
Best ways to share: Facebook, Instagram (@sparklestories), or email: kindwords@sparklestories.com.
Happy Adventures!
About the Author

Lisabeth Sewell
Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.