Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 24: "Christmas Eve for Animals"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "Christmas Eve for Animals," the day before Christmas is a quiet one – all their gifts are prepared and the house is decorated and ready for the special day. But Momma reminds them that there is one group that has yet to be celebrated: the birds and animals in their back yard!
Making bird feeders is a lot of fun! Here is our tutorial for making them.
Find the tutorial HERE.
- Don't for get to put out a water source as well for the birds and animals. Sometimes it can be hard to find running water in the winter.
About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.