NINE Sparkle Recipes and Crafts for the 4th of July
From the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted – on July 4, 1776 – Americans have been celebrating with food and dancing and fireworks. This week, in celebration of that day, we bring you some yummy Independence Day-inspired recipes and crafts to bring an extra bit of sparkle to your celebration.
Cowboy Baked Beans
Nothing reminds me more – other than a good burger (see recipe below) – of a Fourth of July barbeque than baked beans. These beans will be a crowd pleaser for sure!
Find the recipe HERE.
Turkey Burgers
These burgers will bring a lighter edge to your celebration. Top them with cheese stars and they might as well be called sparkle burgers.
Find the recipe HERE.
There's nothing like a nice cold fridge pickle on a hot day! These are spicy garlicy goodness.
Find the recipe HERE.
Red White Blue
This is the time to bring out your patriotic colors for some fun celebratory treats! What kid doesn't love to eat red white and blue!?
Find the recipe HERE
Colorful Rainbow Pops
These rainbow pops remind me of the fireworks at the end of the evening. And these fruit pops are a delicious and healthy way to end the evening.
Find the recipe HERE.
DIY Musical Instruments What would a celebration be without music? This tutorial for homemade instruments will get even the smallest one rocking to the beat.
Find the tutorial HERE.
Dye playsilks in red white and blue and you've got your 4th of July decorations all set to go!
Find the tutorial HERE.
Outdoor Nature Art
The beauty of nature art is that you can create it anywhere – at the park, in your yard, in the greenway next to the sidewalk, or out in the woods; if you’re outside, nature art can be made. It's perfect for backyard party projects!
Find the tutorial HERE.
Homemade Bug Repellant
Homemade bug repellant is easy and safe to make. There are no harsh chemicals like in many store-bought ones. The best part is you can try out different essential oils to see which ones work better to ward off those stinging, biting insects in your area. Once you have your ingredients gathered, it takes under two minutes to make.
Find the tutorial HERE.
About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.