Storybox Playlist: Stories About All Kinds of Superheroes
When you think about superpowers, it’s always flying, x-ray vision, and shooting webs from your wrists that tend to come to mind first. But in reality, superpowers are any unique strength you have — something that makes you special, something you can do that not a lot of other people can. For example, maybe you’re great at making people smile, or perhaps you’re always offering to lend a helping hand. Everyone has a superpower! You just have to figure out what it is and then share it with the world.
The five stories on this super playlist explore all different kinds of ways people can show up as superheroes. What qualities do you have that make you a superhero?
Listening Time: 1 hour and 48 minutes
About the Author

Suzanne Loring
A New England girl at heart, Suzanne hails from the Green Mountains of Vermont where she rides boards and bikes, climbs rocks, and runs trails with her two boys, husband, and pup, Jango. She can usually be found reading a book or writing (and rewriting) her first novel.