Sparkle Summertime Bingo! Free Printable Game
Launch your family into exploring our summertime content with this free printable. Between stories, crafts and recipes, there's plenty to fill your long summer days.
Here's how the game works: 1. Pick a square on the Bingo board, then turn to the next page and find the matching list of stories, crafts and recipes 2. Do THREE of the things in the themed list of nine options. 3. When complete, you color in that Bingo square. 4. Once you get four in a row, you’ve got Sparkle BINGO! 5. If you’re feeling ambitious, keep on going until your whole bingo board is colored in. 6. Show us your results on Facebook or Instagram using #sparklebingo.
You can play even if you're not a Sparkle Subscriber.
Let's Play Bingo!{.bttn #sparkle-summertime-bingo-free-printable-game}
About the Authors

Lisabeth Sewell
Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.

Jenny Barandich
Jenny Barandich is the graphic designer who brings color and magic to all of Sparkle’s graphics.
With more than 20 years of experience, Jenny works with clients both locally and worldwide. She believes in unique yet practical designs that suit her clients’ needs, covering a wide range of industries including publishing, high-tech, nonprofit, medical, communications, and marketing. Jenny received a B.A. in Visual Communication from the Avni Institute of Art and Design in Tel Aviv. She now lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.