One morning Ben Thompson, clever cat, wakes to the sound of small scuffling feet. What could it be? Turns out it's three small mice, hunting for hidden glass stars. Glass stars? Ben later discovers that hiding colorful glass stars for the mice to find is one of the many holiday traditions in the Junkyard. There's also storytelling and gift-giving among others! It all sounds great to Ben; he wants to hide stars and tell stories and make gifts! But how can he possibly do it all? Sergeant, the steadfast watchdog, helps Ben realize what is truly important about holiday traditions.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

How to Tell a Story that is More Interesting than TV or Video Games
Inspiration to tell your own stories to your children.

Sparkle Kitchen: Glass Star Cookies
They’re made with regular sugar cookie dough—there’s a recipe below, but feel free to substitute your own, or even store bought. To make the “glass” you crush hard candies, like Lifesavers, and spoon them into the middle about halfway through baking.