Junkyard Valentine's Day
Each year, the Junkyard animals celebrate their love and appreciation for each other with a Valentine Gift Exchange. Everyone draws one name from a hat to learn who will receive their gift. When Ben Thompson, curious cat, picks the name of Georgia Bean, the kindly rat, he panics. Georgia Bean is like a mother to all the animals! There’s no one better at being kind, caring, and generous. What could he possibly give her?
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Hand-Shaken Milkshakes
Whether you'd like to start your own Valentine's milkshake tradition or just whip up something fun on a Saturday afternoon, have a sweet time giving these milkshakes a try.

Sparkle Craft: Valentine Garlands, Two Ways
It’s time for a Valentines gift exchange in The Junkyard this week, and we’re feeling more than a little festive!