Pick-Up League
Martin wants to join little league baseball like his friend Peter, but Momma and Daddy say he isn’t old enough for organized sports. He has to be nine. Nine! Martin is amazed! But that doesn’t mean there’s no baseball for Martin. Daddy pulls together a pick-up game with friends; flexible rules, bat and ball options, and many creative calls from the sidelines make the game fun for everyone in the family!
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Strawberry Team Snacks
In our part of the world, it's strawberry season, so here are three different ways you could serve strawberries to a team. Feel free to extrapolate these to include other fruit as the seasons change where you live.

Storybox Playlist: Stories for Healthy Competition
These stories are of healthy competition, winning and losing, what it is to lead a team, and what it is to play on a team: skills useful for anyone who loves to play games.