Measuring the World
When Sylvia declares that she knows everything there is to know about her best friend, Sofia, Momma suggests that she use the scientific method to test her theory. And what is the scientific method?
Momma explains that it involves measuring, collecting data and then studying the data. Sylvia and Sofia then learn the difference between using the scientific method on rocks, plants, animals and then … best friends.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

SparkleCast Episode 13 – For the Love of Science with Podcasts "Tumble," "Brains On!" and "The Show about Science"
In this episode, Lindsay, Sanden, Eric, David, and Rebecca discuss the story “Measuring the World,” recall what got us all excited about science when we were children, and then explore ways to introduce and strengthen a love of science in kids today.

Nature School Project: DIY Rain Gauge
Use a DIY rain gauge to learn about the scientific method, just like Sylvia does in the Martin & Sylvia Nature School story, "Measuring the World".