The Lantern Prince
The Prince is not like his parents. In fact, he is not like any royal. In addition to being strong, obedient, and confident — common royal traits — he is also very kind and loving. But what makes the Prince unusual is that he is kind and loving to everyone, royal and servant alike. The King and Queen hope that he will grow out of it, but alas, as he grows he only gets more loving and kind. One day he spies a poor beggar woman in the streets, and his life is never the same again.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Homemade Pretzels
If you would like to try your hand at homemade pretzels for a Martinmas lantern walk, give this recipe below a try.

Sparkle Craft: DIY Japanese Silk Paper Lanterns Post Template
For this fun, hands-on craft, we are joined by Jenn of Maplerose, a Waldorf-inspired Homeschool Supply shop (check it out below!). Follow along as Jenn walks us through the steps for making your own DIY Japanese Silk Paper Lanterns.