Ten Ways the Sparkle Team Navigates Big Parenting Milestones
Kids starting kindergarten. Kids starting college. First day of senior year. First fall that there’s no return-to-school (college graduate!). We Sparkle Team parents — Ann, Lisabeth, Susan, & Trish — are in the middle of navigating transitions with children of different ages and stages.
In our team conversations, we’ve been sharing about these big moments, and talking about how we best manage them. It’s important as parents that we stop and check in with ourselves — take sweet care in these transition times! Plus, when we keep our nervous systems settled, it not only helps us, it helps the kids settle theirs as well.
We’ve decided it might be useful to you if we share what we do for ourselves.
We go gently on ourselves. Lots of kindness and patience.
We go gently with our kids. More kindness and patience. We lower expectations.
We take space. As much as we need. We don’t try to do the normal routines.
We feel the feels. We do whatever supports us in honoring what’s coming up. Among us, we:
- share with friends
- journal
- draw or paint our feelings
- take slow, intentional, deep breaths
- use emotional freedom technique (tapping)
We recognize that everyone has to figure out their own way through. There’s no handbook!
We do nice things for ourselves. Our list includes: warm epsom baths, long walks, meditating, baking, naps, hugs, creative projects, favorite films or shows, time in nature, nourishing foods.
We get extra rest and do restorative things. (See our favorites list here.)
We honor the previous teachers or people that have been pivotal to our children’s growth. We share our thanks and give gifts and words of appreciation!
We CELEBRATE our children! While it can be sad to say goodbye and unsettling to move into newness, it's also thrilling and exciting. This includes celebratory meals, special outings, and words of praise and encouragement.
We CELEBRATE OURSELVES! Whether we make our own list, or ask others to make it with us, we celebrate all we have done in support of our growing kids.
Well done to all of us!
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About the Authors

Lisabeth Sewell
Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.

Trish Montle
Trish is a social media manager, creator, copywriter, and mother of two small humans and three fur-babies. She lives in Collingwood, Ontario (Canada) surrounded by the natural beauty of the Blue Mountains and Georgian Bay.

Ann Boyd
Ann is a writer, editor, homeschooling mother, voracious reader, full-fat baker, and musician. She lives in Chicago with her husband and two daughters and chronicles the journey at Boyds’ Nest News.