New "Martin & Sylvia" Collection: "The Welcoming Feast"
We have just created three new Martin & Sylvia stories, in which they make friends with a delightful Muslim family who is new to town.
The stories portray a moment of coming together, of welcoming those who may seem - at first - to be quite different.
This work a collaboration between Sparkle and many generous Muslim families. Thanks to all who helped us with suggestions, ideas, and feedback!
A quick personal note about these stories from me (Lisabeth):
When I was 17 years old, I lived in Tunisia, a lovely coastal country in Northern Africa. (I'll tell you more about this in Friday's newsletter.) I was hosted by a generous Tunisian family - and I was offered a lovely window into life in a Muslim country.
I am consistently saddened by the pervasive negative "stories" in the United States media and current political campaigns, the stories that generalize the Muslim people, culture and religion into one box -- one very narrow and frightening box.
We at Sparkle want to tell a different story, one we deeply believe is true.
That is: we are all one human family.
We may seem different on the surface, but we all come from the same origin, and share the same small planet. We are all just people.
Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jew, Hindu.... There is kindness and beauty all around us -- and if we can suspend judgement, and look open-hearted into the world, we will see it too. (No matter what cruelty is bubbling up from what corner of the earth.)
We are proud to offer stories that remind us of the beauty in our connectedness, and of the truth that the deepest healing comes through love and open-heartedness.
Martin & Sylvia and the Welcoming Feast!
A story in three parts centered around the first meeting between Martin and Sylvia's family and the family of Daddy's new colleague, Rami Hadid.
When the Hadids all visit on a Saturday for a shared meal, brother and sister learn a little about a day in the life of a Muslim family.
Perfect for ages 4+.
Find them below!
*These stories have no Sparkle advertisement – only a short copyright tag at the end.*
They are intended as a gift to support families who may find them useful. Feel free to download and share or email these stories as often as you’d like.
We at Sparkle give permission for them to be shared.
The Stories:
--- (If you are a subscriber, you can also find them on the Sparkle streaming website here.)
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About the Authors

Lisabeth Sewell
Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.

David Sewell McCann
David Sewell McCann fell in love with spinning stories in first grade – the day a storyteller came to his class and captured his mind and imagination. He has been engaged in storytelling all of his adult life through painting, film-making, teaching and performing. Out of his experience as a Waldorf elementary class teacher and parent, he has developed a four step method of intuitive storytelling, which he now shares through workshops and through this website.