Daddy's Toe
While carrying firewood from the woodpile, Daddy accidentally breaks his toe. The doctor informs Daddy that he will not be able to do his normal work around the house and instead must rest for a few days. When Momma needs to go into town for a few hours for work, Martin and Sylvia learn how satisfying (and tiring!) it is to do what Daddy does all day.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Banana Rafts
In the story, the children disappear into the kitchen and make their daddy something extra special while he rests his broken toe. They call the treat “Banana Rafts.“

Sparkle Kitchen: Daddycakes
We’ve created an easy, customizable version that’s based on Daddy’s creative pancakes (as well as the pancakes that David has been whipping up in our house for years now).