Choose your Audio Advent Calendar!
Take your children on a holiday adventure! Our Audio Advent Calendars feature one story for each day, December 1 to 25. And more: each one comes with a printable calendar — plus other projects — to add to the fun. Scroll down for all five options!
Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar
Follow the 25 magical days of Advent with Martin and Sylvia! From the playhouse to the library, from the Webers' restaurant to the Spunderful Shop, you can spend all of December with the delightful brother and sister as they follow an Advent adventure.
Advent ActivitiesProjects: Martin & Sylvia Audio Advent Calendar!

The Martin & Sylvia PRINTABLE Advent Calendar!
Here's a lovely little printable calendar to go with the Martin & Sylvia Audio Advent Calendar!

Parent Cheat Sheet: Martin & Sylvia's Daily Advent Activities
As you are planning and preparing for your own Advent season, we thought you might enjoy a little "cheat sheet" for what’s ahead with Martin and Sylvia. You can let the ideas from the stories inspire your own daily activities.

Sparkle Craft: Martin & Sylvia's Colorable Ornaments for Advent
For this year's calendar, our lovely Sparkle Stories artists have made a beautiful set of printable ornaments.

Advent Projects: Martin & Sylvia's Audio Calendar – Day 1: "Waiting"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar Day 1 story, "Waiting," Advent is coming and brother and sister are worried - where is their advent calendar?
Listen to the First Story for Free!
Junkyard Tales: Audio Advent Calendar
Spend the holidays with all your friends from the junkyard—Sergeant the Watchdog, Mitzie the Mouse, Fredland the Moose, Spiro the Skunk, and more!
Advent ActivitiesProjects: Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar!

Tutorial: the Junkyard Tales PRINTABLE Advent Calendar
Look everyone! It's a PRINTABLE Advent Calendar! Our very first. Each of the 25 little doors hides a clue to the matching story in the Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar - so you can listen and open a door each day from December 1st to the 25th!

Project: The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Coloring Book!
We've created twenty-five fun printables for each day of the Junkyard Tales Audio Advent calendar!
Listen to the First Story for Free!
Libby & Dish's Good-Deed-A-Day Club
Libby and Dish form the Good-Deed-a-Day Club with their friends and make a pact to do something nice for someone else every day in December.
Advent ActivitiesProjects: Libby & Dish's Good-Deed-A-Day Club!

Tutorial: Libby & Dish's December PRINTABLE Holiday Calendar!
We are so excited to launch a new story-a-day audio experience this December! This year it's all about Libby & Dish.

Parent Cheat Sheet: Libby & Dish's Good Deed a Day Club
With the help of this "cheat sheet" your can pattern your own daily good deeds after those of Libby and her friends. Many of the good deeds are quite simple, and you can easily adapt them to fit your own family's culture or interests.
Listen to the First Story for Free!
The Castlechanter Fairy Audio Advent Calendar
A daily adventure with first-graders Oscar and Aliyah as they embark on a mystical journey into the enchanted land of Hillwyn and learn to navigate this magical realm with new fairy friends.
Advent ActivitiesProjects: The Castlechanter Fairy Audio Advent Calendar!

Tutorial: The Castlechanter Fairy PRINTABLE Advent Calendar
We made a printable Advent Calendar to go with the Castlechanter Fairy Audio Advent Calendar. Let us show you how to put it together!

Parent Cheat Sheet: Castlechanter Fairy Advent Activities
Use this parent cheat sheet to help you navigate the stories with activities that relate to each story. In this cheat sheet, we’ve given you a timeline so you can be prepared with a recipe, craft, or fun idea in advance.

Castlechanter Audio Advent Calendar Crafts and recipes: Week One
Welcome to the first week of the Castlechanter Fairy Advent Calendar! We are so delighted you chose to join us. Every day for the next four weeks, we will be sharing crafts and recipes from our Sparkle Archives that are similar to the ones in the advent calendar.
Listen to the First Story for Free!
It's a Martian Holiday!
Earth-dwellers have many rich winter holiday traditions, but did you know that Martians have a winter holiday too? Enjoy them all in this 25 story collection.
Advent ActivitiesProjects: It's a Martian Holiday!
Listen to the First Story for Free!
Calendario de Adviento en audio de Martín y Silvia
¡Sigue los 25 días mágicos de Adviento con Martín y Silvia! Puedes pasar todo diciembre con estos encantadores hermanos mientras siguen su propia aventura de Adviento.
Advent ActivitiesProjects: Calendario de Adviento en audio de Martín y Silvia!

The Martin & Sylvia PRINTABLE Advent Calendar - in Spanish!
Here's a lovely little printable calendar to go with the Calendario de Adviento en audio de Martín y Silvia!

Sparkle Craft: Martin & Sylvia's Colorable Ornaments for Advent
For this year's calendar, our lovely Sparkle Stories artists have made a beautiful set of printable ornaments.