Sparkle Stories Blog

Sparkle Crafts

Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of crafting with Sparkle Crafts. From DIY projects to artistic endeavors, this category is your go-to destination for all things crafty and creative.

Nature School Project: Nature Hearts

We are joined by Dawn of Mud Puddles to Meteors who shows us how to create our own geometry of hearts using nature materials found just outside your front door.

Sparkle Crafts: 4 Cozy Crafts

There is no cozier craft than working with wool. Knitting is the quintessential cozy craft — no only do you get to sit in a comfy spot, but the yarn is soft and it warms you as you knit. I've rounded up several projects to keep you warm and cozy this winter.

Sparkle Crafts: Four Sparkle Crafts to Help You Slow Down

We've rounded up just four ideas for you to help calm things down during the busy holiday season. These crafts are easy to do and can help you slow down and feel the calm.

Tutorial: Libby & Dish's December PRINTABLE Holiday Calendar!

We are so excited to launch a new story-a-day audio experience this December! This year it's all about Libby & Dish.

Sparkle Halloween Costume Ideas

Halloween is the best time of the year to dress up!

Four Crafts for an Autumn Nature Table

These crafts make a perfect addition to your Autumn Nature Table! Inspire your kids to get outside into autumn and start crafting and creating!

Craft Your Own Memory Book

Inspired by the story “Grandpa Red-Crest’s Memory Nest" from our newest Loving Our Grands collection, we've created a playful and compact Memory Book project.

Sparkle Crafts: Car Ride Activities

Keeping little ones entertained on car rides can be quite the challenge. If it's a short ride, you might get by with a few toys and some Sparkle Stories, but if you're hitting the road for a longer trip, our Sparkle team has offered up some ideas on how they keep their own kiddos busy. Here's to a peaceful, fun, and happy time on the road for all!

Back to School Crafts and Recipes Round Up

We've gathered some of our best crafts and recipes to support families during back to school transitions!

Sparkle Crafts: Fire Fairy Crafts

Fire fairies are all about light. We've rounded up four different light related crafts to help you play with the fire fairies.

sparkle crafts: earth fairy crafts

Earth fairies, as we learned earlier this week, are gnomes. They live in the earth and feel very at home with rocks and soil and roots. We've rounded up four sparkle crafts that we think any earth fairy would really love.

Nine Easy Sparkle Crafts to Get the Summer Started

At Sparkle, we've got so many crafts it's hard to choose! But we've rounded up nine favorites we hope will bring your kids lots of fun again and again throughout the summer.

Sparkle Crafts: Father's Day Gifts Round Up

This Father's Day we want to inspire you to go beyond the typical clay and tempera paint ashtrays and noodle necklaces and make something that Dad will really like. What's a better gift than playing with your kids? We've got lots of handmade gifts that will allow kids and dads to play together — getting more out of the day than just presents.

Recycled Masks of On and Off Invisibility

Libby and her mother are taking their new neighbors, the Cortez family, a housewarming gift. Libby is excited to pick out the perfect gift for Juan Paco, but she also wants to discover the answer to the mystery she and Dish have been attempting to solve: What kind of pet lives with Juan Paco and his family?

Sparkle Craft — No-Sew Cozy Corner Cushion

This project is no-sew, and can be put together in about half an hour.

Sparkle Craft: Simple Brushbot

This week's craft, a tiny toothbrush robot, would be perfect for a rainy summer day. However, it does require one piece of special equipment—a vibrating cell phone motor that's easiest to order online—so we recommend collecting the supplies ahead of time and stashing them away until they're needed.

Sparkle Craft: Mother's Day Coupon Wallet

What a wonderful idea to give Mom a Mother's Day where she can choose from the things she loves best. Whether it's special outings or extra help, I think most moms would appreciate the thoughtfulness and love behind such a gift.

Sparkle Craft: “Bravery-in-a-Box” Travel Photo Frame

Made from an empty Altoids tin, this travel photo frame will let you bring your friends with you, along with a few other tidbits and words to help you feel brave.

Sparkle Craft: May Ribbon Wands

Whether you have a proper May Day Fair or just celebrate the first of May by making a point to get outside and enjoy some sunshine, these May ribbon wands will add a lovely bit of whimsy to your day.

Sparkle Craft: Soda Bottle Rocket

There are few things more inspirational than the thought of rockets blasting into space. While this week's craft won't quite get you to the stars, it is a great science project to get your future astronaut on the path to space exploration.

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