Can't Wait to Wait


Can't Wait to Wait

Topics: BirthdaysCraftsPatience

Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

The Power of the Pause

One of the most powerful storytelling techniques used by storytellers and teachers and presenters around the world is, ironically, not talking. Silence. Stillness. A Pause.

Sparkle Craft: Soft Sculpture Take-Alongs

In the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! story, “Can’t Wait to Wait," Sylvia feels anxious about the long wait at a local restaurant. Have that problem? Make a soft sculpture take-along for the next time you're faced with a wait.

Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Can't Wait to Wait

While Martin & Sylvia are waiting for their dinner in a French restaurant in the story “Can’t Wait to Wait,” Mr. Weber suggests the children play a drawing game where each person draws only part of the figure. One draws the head, another the body, another the legs and the fourth draws the feet. We've created a printable for this fun activity!

Sparkle Kitchen: Steamed Artichokes

There are only two parts of an artichoke that are edible. The first is a tiny bit of tender flesh at the base of each leaf, which is best scraped off between your front teeth. The second is the heart, a tender disc buried underneath the fuzzy choke.

Characters in this Story

The Webers



Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays!

Nippy Knitting Day

Nippy Knitting Day

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