Three Little Fairy Houses
There is a big storm coming, and Sylvia is worried about the fairy houses by the brook. Since they just read the "Three Little Pigs" story, she wonders what natural materials would be best for certain kinds of fairies. She and Martin get to work creating all about the yard and are delighted to discover which houses endure the "huffing and puffing" of the storm.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Create Your Own Inside Fairy Doors
If the weather is turning where you are, to a time when there is more indoors than out, why not invite the fairies in for the winter? Make a fairy door, or several, to welcome them into your home for the winter months so they can weather the season with you in warmth.

Martin & Sylvia's: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Fairy Houses
You can easily build fairy houses with things you find in your own yard. Color these, design your own, or go out and get to building! Use this printable project page for inspiration.