Sparkle Stories Blog

A home for Sparkle audio stories, crafts, recipes, and kind words!

Ancestors, Elders and Us

This All Saints Day and Dia de Los Muertos, let's appreciate those who came before us — not only for what we inherited from them, but also for what they created for us.

The November Audio Story Calendar

The days are shortening and the nights are lengthening ... and festival season is fully underway! Dip into our November calendar full of light-filled stories, activities, and projects that warm the heart and drive away the growing chill in the air.

Storybox Playlist: Celebrating Our Grandparents & Elders

The longer you live, the more stories you hold in your heart — and we here at Sparkle are all about stories! So let's spend some time honoring the grandparents and elders in our lives. Pretty soon, you'll be inspired to ask questions and hear those magical words, "When I was young..."

Sparkle Craft: Halloween Printable Treats Poster!

Here is quick and easy tutorial for a door or yard sign that you can put up on Halloween and give away a free story instead of candy — or along with candy, if you choose!

Sparkle Craft: Sparkle "Halloween Trick-or-Treatables"

Whether you're making goodie bags full of candy or you're handing out non-food treats — like stickers and mini-erasers — a Sparkle Halloween treat tucks into a small goodie bag just perfectly.

Storybox Playlist: Celebrating Martinmas

The days are slowly growing shorter and the nights growing darker. Our bodies and hearts turn inward toward coziness and warmth, and we mark a shift in the sense of the seasons with one special day: Martinmas. Will you join us?

Storybox Playlist: Costumes, Costumes, Costumes!

Is there anything more magical than putting on a piece of clothing ... and suddenly becoming a completely new person?Soak up inspiration and delight as you listen to our stories about the joy of costumes.

Storybox Playlist: Finding Joy in Change

Change! It comes with the territory in parenting — and in simply being human! Settle in for a moment and listen to our stories about embracing change and transforming it into everyday wonder.

The Sparkle Team's Favorite Ideas for Shaking It Up

Regular routines keep us grounded, but sometimes we need to free up some excess energy. So inject some extra play into your day with our sparkliest ideas for spontaneous fun!

The October Audio Story Calendar

Change is in the air! As we swing into October, we've got a calendar full of all things crisp and crunchy, magical and mysterious, joyful and thrilling. Join us in this season of delight!

Storybox Playlist: Stories of Spontaneous Fun

Who doesn't like a bit of unexpected delight? Slide into our playlist full of silliness and surprise — and take some ideas along with you!

Turns out I'm Royalty. (And you are too.)

Fairy tales are more than old-time entertainment. They are pedagogical. They are teaching us something about ourselves.

Storybox Playlist: Stories of Queens and Kings, Princesses and Princes

Who would like to be royalty for a day? We invite you into our royal treasury of stories and uncover your inner queen or king. All hail to the crown!

Forget "fit in." Who are you really?

Let's take September to ask the question: who are these amazing creatures that are our children? And how do you make more space for them to unspool themselves fully?

Top 5 Resources for Highly Sensitive Kids

Life with a highly sensitive child can be an adventure full of richness and delight. We hope this information and these stories will help you to parent your little one as they grow strong and mighty in their special sensory gifts!

Storybox Playlist: You are UNIQUE!

This week’s playlist is all about uniqueness — the ways in which we might feel self-conscious about ourselves and the ways in which we celebrate ourselves. We hope after hearing these stories you’ll spend a lot more time and energy celebrating your own uniqueness!

The September Audio Story Calendar

September has arrived and we're here to help you sparkle it up! Check our our calendar full of stories and other goodies to celebrate your uniqueness as we kick off the school year.

Our Favorite Online Homeschool Resources

Happily, homeschool resources have expanded immensely over the past several years and can offer counsel and direction for both new and seasoned homeschoolers. Here are some online and offline resources to help inspire and guide you if you are thinking about trying or are already in the thick of homeschooling.

Read Aloud Bedtime Stories for Kids: 3 Printable Scripts

We’ve gathered three of our all-time favorite Sleepytime stories and transcribed them for your reading pleasure. You’ll find the free downloadable story scripts for each below, so that you can bring some Sparkle to your read-aloud moments!

Free Homeschool Printables (and audio stories to go along!)

Did you know that our audio stories also make a great companion for homeschool support? Not only that, but we’ve got some wonderfully helpful resources right on the Sparkle Blog to make it even easier to incorporate story time into learning. We’ve gathered some of our favorites below.

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